She stung you where?
It was inevitable, I was stung in the no-no square. Yep, that's exactly what I said, the no-no square. I learned that bees can and are not afraid to sting through denim. It was an invaluable lesson that I will soon not forget.
6 Mar 2024 12:45
It was inevitable, I was stung in the no-no square. Yep, that's exactly what I said, the no-no square. I learned that bees can and are not afraid to sting through denim. It was an invaluable lesson that I will soon not forget.
16 Feb 2024 18:57
Our seasonably mild winter has enlightened us on hive abscondment and unexpected booming expansion. As we near what is lining up to be an early spring, our hives are already preparing for growth. The queens are ramping up their egg laying to build up the colony, more workers equate to more activity and resource gathering. My goal for this blog is an online journal allowing our friends and followers to follow along as we go about the daily activities of managing our apiary. I can guarantee sadness and laughter as we move forward with this endeavor.